I hope you had a good Christmas and new year.
Sorry I’ve been slow at posting lately. I needed a bit of a break.
2024 did not turn out the way I thought it would but I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions because it’s too much pressure. It’s hard to stick with them when you’re poorly and in excruciating pain. It’s impossible to plan anything when you’re in that much pain. For the past few years I’ve been:
Trying and failing to lose weight (despite being in severe pain)
Eating more healthily (ditto)
Taking several types of fertility supplements
Doing acupuncture to try and help me relax (did not work)
Trying Pilates (aggravated my pain)
Trying meditation (I really really struggled with this)
Cutting out caffeine, alcohol, sugar, anything containing parabens.
Trying to cope with my mum’s dementia diagnosis and care.
I put a lot of pressure on myself and despite all of the above, I still feel like I failed. This year I want to take the pressure off and be kinder to myself. My body still reminds me that I’m healing from my hysterectomy (the fatigue is unreal), and need to take it easier.
I still want to be a women’s health advocate. One of my plans is to redesign my website and content to make it easier for you to navigate. My health journey has so many facets. I want my content to reflect each one by sharing my own lived experiences with:
Starting my period
Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and Fibroids (diagnosis and coping)
My fertility journey
Caring for a parent with dementia
Childless (not by choice)
I hope you’ll stick with me on my journey!
Laura x