Workplace wellbeing
Women make up almost half of the workforce in the UK. I've shared my workplace story a few times, about how my menstrual health affected my job.
I'm now hoping I can help shape how employers can support (and retain) employees who have menstrual health conditions.
Why is wellbeing in the workplace important?
Employers have a duty of care to their employees.
Employees feel happier. A happy workplace means productivity!
It will help with staff retention.
Employees with chronic health conditions need to feel supported.
When doing a job search, potential employees will look at an organisation's policies on health and wellbeing.
What can be done to support employees?
More understanding of how menstrual health conditions affect employees because stress can make these conditions worse.
A less rigid sickness absence policy. Employees with chronic health conditions should be treated differently to those who don't have these conditions.
Reasonable adjustments:
Flexibility to work from home.
Manageable workload
Increase in absence triggers
Time off for appointments
What about fertility support?
My own personal experience is that going through fertility treatment is a roller coaster of emotions. It can be very traumatic.
The injections really aggravated my endometriosis and I struggled to work. I was too scared to be off sick so I asked if I could work from home. I still really struggled with the pain.
When my first round of IVF failed, I felt so alone at work. I tried to wait until I got home to cry. I had no idea that I should've been protected under the maternity policy.
Employers definitely need to be sensitive to those going through fertility treatments. Both partners need support.
Employees are protected by maternity policies at work following an embryo transfer as when the embryo is put inside, they are classed as pregnant.
If an employee has a failed fertility treatment, the same protection in the workplace under the maternity policy should be applied e.g. it should be the same treatment as if an employee has had a miscarriage.
Useful resources
Created by Fertility Network UK to help employers support employees through their fertility treatment.
Endometriosis UK have created a project to help employers understand how menstrual health conditions can affect their employees on a daily basis, and how employers can provide support.
Wellbeing of Women provide useful webinars on how employers can support women in the workplace. They also offer an employer membership programme to provide resources and help develop more supportive policies.
ACAS provide employees and employers with free impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. I would definitely recommend speaking to them if you're unsure about a workplace policy or grievance for example.